Page 4 - Synergy_Annual_Report_2021
P. 4


           Estate Tax Rate                                                                     Estate Tax Rate
           55%                                                                                 45%
           Estate Tax                                                                          Estate Tax

           Exemption $675k                                                                     Exemption $3.5M

                     Inflation 1.59%                                                 Inflation -.36%

                                   Federal Tax Rate
                                   35%                                              The Financial Crisis
                                                                                    of 2008-2009

             2001                                                2006                                    2010

           Palash              New England                     Synergy
           Started             Financial                       formed
           with New            merged with                     and

           England                                             partnered
           Financial           MetLife                         with KMS

               1  Life Underwriter Training Council FellowSM (LUTCF®). The Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow, or LUTCF®, is a three-
               course professional designation program for new insurance and financial professionals. The College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan
               Company and the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) partnered in 2014 to create a program that focused
               on the skills that the top insurance agencies felt new agents needed most. The program focuses on fundamental prospecting, selling and
               practice management skills, plus working knowledge of the four practice specialties.
                   1.   Tax data from Bradford Tax Institute   2. Estate Data from The Balance    3. Inflation Data from MacroTrends
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